SWI98150by Swingline Heavy-Duty Low Force Guillotine Trimmer, 40 Sheets, 14" Cut Length, Metal Base, 10.5 x 17.5 Click image to close Heavy-Duty Low Force Guillotine Trimmer, 40 Sheets, 14" Cut Length, Metal Base, 10.5 x 17.5 | 
| Swingline 98150 SWI98150[ companion items ]
List Price: $575.25 | Short Description Heavy-Duty Low Force Guillotine Trimmer, 40 Sheets, 14" Cut Length, Metal Base, 10.5 x 17.5, by Swingline |
This item ships FREE and usually arrives in 2 days or less! [ details ]Description Swingline 98150 The perfect solution for environments with heavy-duty trimming needs such as offices & schools. Large, sturdy metal base provides ample workspace & long lasting durability. Alignment grid & dual scale ruler for precise measuring. Trimmer Board Type: Guillotine; Sheet Capacity: 40; Trimmer Boards Cut Length: 14"; Blade Material: Steel. Product Details
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